Scadenza: 1 April 2022


Support for research that seeks to answer the difficult questions of cancer biology. Innovative ideas that have the potential to revolutionize the understanding of cancer and how to beat it.
They welcome research that draws on epidemiological, behavioral and clinical data to provide a starting point for a new avenue of research. Multidisciplinary or discipline-hopping projects are encouraged where this helps to stimulate innovation

Ente finanziatore:

worldwide cancer research

Duration of the project: duration between 12 and 36 months

Who can participate:

The PI on the application must be an adequately qualified researcher (minimum doctorate followed by three years of research experience, or equivalent qualification or research experience).

Partnership: Not Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:

The maximum allowable budget is £ 250,000, but it should be noted that most of the three-year grants they award have a budget of less than £ 200,000.

Support for research that seeks to answer the difficult questions of cancer biology. Innovative ideas that have the potential to revolutionize the understanding of cancer and how to beat it. They welcome research that draws on epidemiological, behavioral and clinical data to provide a starting point for a new avenue of research. Multidisciplinary or discipline-hopping projects are encouraged where this helps to stimulate innovation

Who can participate:
The PI on the application must be an adequately qualified researcher (minimum doctorate followed by three years of research experience, or equivalent qualification or research experience).


Consortium: Not required

Status: Imminente

Total budget:

Funding rate:
The maximum allowable budget is £ 250,000, but it should be noted that most of the three-year grants they award have a budget of less than £ 200,000.

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