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Kick-Off Meeting – Beyond the Emergency – BeEmTel Project
28 February 2022 - 2 March 2022

The University of Piemonte Orientale will launch a pilot course of advanced multidisciplinary training named BeEmTel, along with six prestigious European partners from Italy, Greece, Germany, Romania and Croatia. This project will focus on the management of chronic diseases with telemedicine systems using innovative teaching methods based on medical simulation. The main point of the BeEmTel project consist in extending pedagogical horizons of Medical Simulation in context of long term care for patients with chronic diseases. The challenge of this European project, created and coordinated by the DIMET, consists in giving advanced and interdisciplinary skills to university students through an high quality Digital education. The project will create a free training course dedicated to students of Medicine, Surgery, Nursing Psichology and Biomedical Engineering.
The meeting will be held Online.
PROGRAM 28 February
14:00- 14:30 Welcome (UPO Governance)
Introduction by BeEmTel Scientific Coordinator
Prof. Gianluca Aimaretti (DIMET – UPO Director)
Greetings of the Rector UPO Prof. Gian Carlo Avanzi
Greetings by Governance UPO:
Prof. Francesco Della Corte (SIMNOVA – UPO)
Prof. Alberto Dal Molin (DIMET – UPO)
Prof. Cristina Meini (DiSSTE – UPO)
14:30-14:55 BeEmTel Project Presentation
Background, Goals and Project Results
Dr. Emiliano Loria (PM BeEmTel-DIMET UPO)
Italian Associated Partners Presentation
14:55-15:15 SIMNOVA – Novara Simulation Centre Presentation The role of Simnova in BeEmTel Teaching Activities
Prof. Francesco Della Corte (Simnova UPO Director)
15:15-15:40 University of Thessaly (Greece) – Nursing and Simulation Prof. Evangelos Fradelos (Nursing Department)
Tasks and roles of University of Thessaly for BeEmTel Partnership
Greek Associated Partners Presentation
15:40-15:50 Coffee Break
15:50-16:20 BeEmTel Working Groups:
Dissemination Group
Dr. Aurora Falcone (Simnova UPO), Dr. Carmela Rinaldi (Aging Project UPO), Dr. Emiliano Loria (BeEmTel UPO)
Presentation of Communication Plan
16:20-16.50 Open Questions
16:50-17:00 Conclusions
PROGRAM 1 March 14:00-16:30 CET
14:00-14:10 Welcome (UPO Governance)
Greetings by BeEmTel Scientific Coordinator
Prof. Gianluca Aimaretti (DIMET Director)
14:10-14:25 Telemedicine today: the new frontiers of interventions Introduction by prof. Marco Invernizzi (Dimet – UPO)
14:25-14:50 National Centre of Telemedicine – ISS (Italy) prof. Francesco Gabbrielli (ISS – Rome)
Tasks and roles of National Centre of Telemedicine for BeEmTel
14:50-15:15 Department of Emergency Situations –
Ministry of Internal Affairs (Romania)
Dr. Bogdan Pop (DSU-Bucarest)
Tasks and roles of DSU for BeEmTel
15:15-15.40 University Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology “George Emil Parade” (Romania)
Prof. Cristian Boeriu (UMFST – Târgu Mureș)
Tasks and roles of UMFST for BeEmTel
15:40-15.50 Coffee Break
15.50-16.20 BeEmTel Working Groups:
The Quality Committee Activities
Dr. Michela Barisone (BeEmTel UPO)
16:20-16:40 Open Questions
16:40-16:50 Conclusions
PROGRAM 2 March 14:00 – 16:30 CET
14:00-14:10 Welcome (UPO Governance)
Greetings by BeEmTel Scientific Coordinator
Prof. Gianluca Aimaretti (DIMET Director)
14:10-14:25 New Challenges for Simulation Learning Experiences Prof. Francesco Della Corte (Simnova UPO Director)
14:25-14:50 Human Simulation Center Ludwig-Maximilians University Prof. Marc Lazarovici (LMU – Munich)
Tasks and roles of LMU in BeEmTel Partnership
German Associated Partners
14:50-15:15 Univerisity of Applied Health Science (Croatia) prof. Snježjana Čukljek (ZDU – Zagreb)
Tasks and roles of ZDU in BeEmTel Partnership
Croatian Associated Partners
15:15-15:25 Coffe Break
15:20-15:40 BeEmTel Working Groups:
Tutoring Group Presentation: Learners Selection and Tutoring
Dr. Emiliano Loria (PM BeEmTel UPO)
15:40-16:00 BeEmTel Project Details:
Budgeting rules and Partnership Agreement Presentation
Transnational Project Meetings
Learning/Teaching/Training Activities (LTTA)
Multiplier events
16:00-16:20 Open Questions
16:20-16:30 Conclusions