Scadenza: 13 November 2021


As a first step, BRAINY will award one-year support of € 30,000 (before tax) to a young top-level scientist in the field of neuro-oncology in the form of either one-year fellowship in experimental or clinical research or one year funding for experimental research to promote original research in leading Italian research institutions.

Ente finanziatore:


Duration of the project: 12 months

Who can participate:

Experimental research.
Italian and foreign researchers holding a scientific degree in Medicine, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biotechnology, Biostatistics, Computation Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Chemistry, Natural Sciences, or any related field. Selected candidates must carry out their research projects in leading Italian institutions. Candidates may apply for a fellowship or for funding the
laboratory activity related to the project they present for this call.
Clinical research.
Italian and foreign medical doctors. Candidates must hold a degree in Medicine. Selected candidates must carry out their work in leading Italian Research-Hospitals and shall – based on their
expertise – become members of specialized clinical teams, led by top-level referents. Please make sure that all qualifications held by foreign candidates are equivalent to their Italian counterparts, for them to be able to
see patients in Italy. Candidates who do not fulfill the legal requirements to work as clinicians in Italy will be excluded from the evaluation procedure. Please be explicit in the Letter of Acceptance by the Hosting Institute
that the candidate meets the legal criteria to work as a clinician.
The 12-month fellowships will only be awarded to researchers (Italian or foreigners) for research work at
Italian institutions.
For ALL the proposals:
- All candidates must be 35 years old or less on the 1st of January 2022. If awarded, the candidate will be
asked to confirm in writing that she/he meets all requirements.
- Women with children are allowed to count one extra year per child. If awarded, the candidate will be asked to provide a “family certificate”.
- All proposals must be associated with a P.I. belonging to the same institution where the candidate will develop her/his research project.
-Only ONE application for each Principal Investigator (PI) will be accepted. No limitations are set for applications from the same institution.
For experimental research grant ONLY:
Candidates must have at least one original paper as first/co-first/last/co-corresponding author. “In press” articles are eligible publications but a DOI number if available and proof of manuscript acceptance is
mandatory, and must be separately sent at Submitted/under revision manuscripts, book chapters, and conference abstracts and proceedings are not considered eligible publications.

Partnership: Not Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:

30.000 €

As a first step, BRAINY will award one-year support of € 30,000 (before tax) to a young top-level scientist in the field of neuro-oncology in the form of either one-year fellowship in experimental or clinical research or one year funding for experimental research to promote original research in leading Italian research institutions.

Who can participate:
Experimental research. Italian and foreign researchers holding a scientific degree in Medicine, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biotechnology, Biostatistics, Computation Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Chemistry, Natural Sciences, or any related field. Selected candidates must carry out their research projects in leading Italian institutions. Candidates may apply for a fellowship or for funding the laboratory activity related to the project they present for this call. Clinical research. Italian and foreign medical doctors. Candidates must hold a degree in Medicine. Selected candidates must carry out their work in leading Italian Research-Hospitals and shall – based on their expertise – become members of specialized clinical teams, led by top-level referents. Please make sure that all qualifications held by foreign candidates are equivalent to their Italian counterparts, for them to be able to see patients in Italy. Candidates who do not fulfill the legal requirements to work as clinicians in Italy will be excluded from the evaluation procedure. Please be explicit in the Letter of Acceptance by the Hosting Institute that the candidate meets the legal criteria to work as a clinician. The 12-month fellowships will only be awarded to researchers (Italian or foreigners) for research work at Italian institutions. For ALL the proposals: - All candidates must be 35 years old or less on the 1st of January 2022. If awarded, the candidate will be asked to confirm in writing that she/he meets all requirements. - Women with children are allowed to count one extra year per child. If awarded, the candidate will be asked to provide a “family certificate”. - All proposals must be associated with a P.I. belonging to the same institution where the candidate will develop her/his research project. -Only ONE application for each Principal Investigator (PI) will be accepted. No limitations are set for applications from the same institution. For experimental research grant ONLY: Candidates must have at least one original paper as first/co-first/last/co-corresponding author. “In press” articles are eligible publications but a DOI number if available and proof of manuscript acceptance is mandatory, and must be separately sent at Submitted/under revision manuscripts, book chapters, and conference abstracts and proceedings are not considered eligible publications.


Consortium: Not required

Status: Open

Total budget:

Funding rate:
30.000 €

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