Scadenza: 7 April 2020
The prevention of undernutrition in European older citizens through the consumption of appropriate nutritious food
A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (JPI HDHL)
Budget complessivo:
€ 750.000,00
(for Italy)
Duration of the project: 3 years
Partnership: Mandatory
The prevention of undernutrition in European older citizens through the consumption of appropriate nutritious food
Who can participate:
A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (JPI HDHL)
Consortium: Required
Status: Open
Total budget:
€ 750.000,00
(for Italy)
Funding rate:
Proposals should focus on one or both of the following topics:
1 Improved understanding of how the balance between diet and physical activity
can prevent undernutrition. The studies should focus on the underlying biological
mechanisms of the bioavailability, assimilation and metabolism of the macroand/or micronutrients in food or food products and show how physical activity
could modify these processes.
2 Development of innovative food products. The developed product should be
based on new research on metabolism, on macro- and/or micronutrient
bioavailability and absorption in older adults.