Scadenza: 25 January 2022


The aim of the action is to contribute to the implementation of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, which aims to support Member States’ efforts to extend the roll-out of routine HPV vaccination of girls and boys to eliminate cervical cancer and other cancers caused by HPV in the coming decade.
The action will support civil society organisations, including non-governmental organisations, to complement the Member States’ actions according to national and regional needs related to HPV vaccination policies and programmes. The activities which will be funded will include targeted meetings, workshops, and other initiatives to sharing information with national and regional authorities of Member States, which need to start large-scale HPV vaccination campaigns, with the main objective to receive support through the provision of expertise, best practices, and guidelines covering the planning and roll-out of vaccination campaigns.
These activities may include training (including training of trainers) on how to successfully communicate with parents and patients on HPV vaccination, how to ensure the provision of consistent messages to the public, and the provision of concrete examples on how to support vaccination in other Member States. Activities may include recommendations for the ‘bundling’ of all adolescent vaccines, including the HPV vaccine, by establishing a policy to check patients’ immunisation status at every visit and to always recommend and administer vaccines to those in need. Actions will be designed on the already available evidence-based understanding of behavioural determinants of vaccination acceptance for HPV vaccination.


EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)

Ente finanziatore:


Budget complessivo:

EUR 1 200 000

Duration of the project: Proposals should range between 12 and 36 months, the recommended length of a project is 24 months.

Who can participate:

Applications by either a sole applicant or by a consortium are acceptable

Partnership: Not Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:


The aim of the action is to contribute to the implementation of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, which aims to support Member States’ efforts to extend the roll-out of routine HPV vaccination of girls and boys to eliminate cervical cancer and other cancers caused by HPV in the coming decade. The action will support civil society organisations, including non-governmental organisations, to complement the Member States’ actions according to national and regional needs related to HPV vaccination policies and programmes. The activities which will be funded will include targeted meetings, workshops, and other initiatives to sharing information with national and regional authorities of Member States, which need to start large-scale HPV vaccination campaigns, with the main objective to receive support through the provision of expertise, best practices, and guidelines covering the planning and roll-out of vaccination campaigns. These activities may include training (including training of trainers) on how to successfully communicate with parents and patients on HPV vaccination, how to ensure the provision of consistent messages to the public, and the provision of concrete examples on how to support vaccination in other Member States. Activities may include recommendations for the ‘bundling’ of all adolescent vaccines, including the HPV vaccine, by establishing a policy to check patients’ immunisation status at every visit and to always recommend and administer vaccines to those in need. Actions will be designed on the already available evidence-based understanding of behavioural determinants of vaccination acceptance for HPV vaccination.

Who can participate:
Applications by either a sole applicant or by a consortium are acceptable

EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)

Consortium: Not required

Status: Open

Total budget:
EUR 1 200 000

Funding rate:

Proposals to be awarded under this topic: One single proposal

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