Scadenza: 17 February 2022


Activities will include the organisation, implementation and running of accreditation and certification activities making use of guidelines for breast, colorectal and cervical cancer screening, diagnosis and care.
The expected result is the implementation at national and/or regional level of accreditation and certification quality assurance schemes for the entire pathway of breast cancer screening, including diagnosis and care.
This action will improve the quality and performance of the entire pathway of populationbased screening for breast cancer and is expected to pave the way to address cervical and colorectal cancers in subsequent open calls. The action furthermore aims to reduce the disparity among and within the Member States associated with an unequal access to quality-assured screening programmes.


EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)

Ente finanziatore:


Budget complessivo:

The available call budget is EUR 2 000 00

Duration of the project: 24 months

Who can participate:

research institutes, hospitals, expert networks and Member States’ authorities - cancer centres

Partnership: Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:


Activities will include the organisation, implementation and running of accreditation and certification activities making use of guidelines for breast, colorectal and cervical cancer screening, diagnosis and care. The expected result is the implementation at national and/or regional level of accreditation and certification quality assurance schemes for the entire pathway of breast cancer screening, including diagnosis and care. This action will improve the quality and performance of the entire pathway of populationbased screening for breast cancer and is expected to pave the way to address cervical and colorectal cancers in subsequent open calls. The action furthermore aims to reduce the disparity among and within the Member States associated with an unequal access to quality-assured screening programmes.

Who can participate:
research institutes, hospitals, expert networks and Member States’ authorities - cancer centres

EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)

Consortium: Required

Status: Imminente

Total budget:
The available call budget is EUR 2 000 00

Funding rate:

One single proposal will be awarded

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