Scadenza: 24 August 2020
Multiple Sclerosis Research.
The call for applications funds innovative and special projects with collaborative strategies.
The proposal for projects dedicated to understanding the relationship between COVID-19 and Multiple Sclerosis is also added to this year's call.
Ente finanziatore:
FISM (Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla)
Budget complessivo:
5 MLN/€
Duration of the project: Da 1 a 3 anni
Who can participate:
Partnership: Not Mandatory
Multiple Sclerosis Research.
The call for applications funds innovative and special projects with collaborative strategies.
The proposal for projects dedicated to understanding the relationship between COVID-19 and Multiple Sclerosis is also added to this year's call.
Who can participate:
Consortium: Not required
Status: Open
Total budget:
5 MLN/€
Funding rate:
It is also possoble to apply for Rita Levi Montalcini Scholarship. Proposed since 2007, it provides three-year funding dedicated to qualified, talented and scientifically independent researchers, who wish to return to Italy from abroad and conduct their own research project at an Italian research institution of excellence.