Scadenza: 20 April 2022


Conception and implementation of scientific or socio-health projects, aimed at improving the outcomes of the disease and the quality of life of patients or at promoting the achievement of public health objectives in the following thematic areas: HIV, liver diseases, oncological diseases , oncohematological and invasive fungal infections.

Ente finanziatore:


Duration of the project: 12 months

Who can participate:

public and private institutions operating in the fields of scientific research or health care, public and private research associations and foundations, engaged in the aforementioned areas and having scientific research as their sole purpose

Partnership: Not Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:

single premium class of € 30,000 is established for each area of interest
A prize of 5,000 euros is provided for the 5 best projects assessed on the basis of their social value and the identification and description of how to manage possible ethical criticalities.
A further prize of 5,000 euros for each area of interest is foreseen for those projects whose design and management envisage a full and active involvement of the patient.

Conception and implementation of scientific or socio-health projects, aimed at improving the outcomes of the disease and the quality of life of patients or at promoting the achievement of public health objectives in the following thematic areas: HIV, liver diseases, oncological diseases , oncohematological and invasive fungal infections.

Who can participate:
public and private institutions operating in the fields of scientific research or health care, public and private research associations and foundations, engaged in the aforementioned areas and having scientific research as their sole purpose


Consortium: Not required

Status: Open

Total budget:

Funding rate:
single premium class of € 30,000 is established for each area of interest A prize of 5,000 euros is provided for the 5 best projects assessed on the basis of their social value and the identification and description of how to manage possible ethical criticalities. A further prize of 5,000 euros for each area of interest is foreseen for those projects whose design and management envisage a full and active involvement of the patient.

Interventional studies will not be admitted to the evaluation. Clinical, preclinical and retrospective studies that provide for the assessment of the biological effect, efficacy and / or safety of drug treatments will also be excluded. Each Entity may submit one and only one project per area of interest. Exceptions are Bodies with a structured internal subdivision (by way of example but not limited to departments, operational units or other). For these Bodies, each structured internal subdivision may submit one and only one project for each area of interest of the Call

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