Stories of people, voices of nurses- Storie di persone, voci di infermieri

Storie di persone, voci di infermieri - Aging Project

The book presents a collection of sixty ethical cases, narrated directly by the nurses who have lived them. It recounts the everyday challenges of nursing care providers and the ethical dilemmas that present themselves to these professionals as they respond to the needs of patients and their families.

The narrated stories are divided by theme and range from everyday bioethics (information and consent, privacy and communication) to frontier bioethics (beginning and end of life, elderly and chronicity, experimentation and research). They also address ethical problems that arise in the education of future generations of nurses and in the organization of care services.

An entire chapter is dedicated to international comparison and new challenges in nursing (“Nursing around the world”), with a reflection on the recent COVID-19 pandemic and the role healthcare workers played in emergency management.

Ideal for university training and professional development, the volume is enriched by numerous references to the articles of the new Italian Nurses’ Code of Ethics 2019 and is a valuable guide for decision-making in professional practice.



P. Gobbi, R.A. Alagna, D. Campani, A. Colombo, D. Montani, C. Passoni, D. Rosa, O. Teti
Storie di persone, voci di infermieri- un approccio innovativo allo studio della bioetica e della deontologia
Mc Graw-Hill Education 2020

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