Scadenza: 6 August 2020
The 2014-2020 Health program aims to integrate, support and add value to Member States 'policies to improve citizens' health and reduce inequalities between citizens, promoting health, encouraging innovation in the health sector, increasing sustainability health systems and protecting citizens from serious cross-border health threats.
For 2020, the call for proposals has 6 topics:
1) Healthcare public procurement in the EU
2) Support for health investment
3) Support for the implementation of best practices in the area of mental health
4) Increased access to vaccination for newly arrived migrants
5) Increased access to vaccination for disadvantaged groups, difficult to reach groups
6) Stakeholder activities to support strengthened cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases
III Health Programme - DG CHAFEA
Ente finanziatore:
European Commission
Who can participate:
Public authorities;
Public sector entities, in particular research and health institutions;
Universities and higher education institutions;
Partnership: Mandatory
Quota finanziabile:
60-80% of the eligible costs
The 2014-2020 Health program aims to integrate, support and add value to Member States 'policies to improve citizens' health and reduce inequalities between citizens, promoting health, encouraging innovation in the health sector, increasing sustainability health systems and protecting citizens from serious cross-border health threats.
For 2020, the call for proposals has 6 topics:
1) Healthcare public procurement in the EU
2) Support for health investment
3) Support for the implementation of best practices in the area of mental health
4) Increased access to vaccination for newly arrived migrants
5) Increased access to vaccination for disadvantaged groups, difficult to reach groups
6) Stakeholder activities to support strengthened cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases
Who can participate:
Public authorities;
Public sector entities, in particular research and health institutions;
Universities and higher education institutions;
III Health Programme - DG CHAFEA
Consortium: Required
Status: Open
Total budget:
Funding rate:
60-80% of the eligible costs
Proposals must be submitted by at least 3 eligible countries (EU Member States, UK, Iceland, Norway, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova).