Starting from this academic year, the Ph.D. course in “Food, Health and Longevity” will be carried out in a joint effort between UPO and the University of Turin (UNITO).
The Ph.D. course is the result of a long-lasting collaborative research activity between the two excellence Departments of Medicine at UPO and the Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences (DISAFA) at UNITO.
The Ph.D. program will be based on an interdisciplinary framework in order to train students in applying notions related to the “Food” and “Longevity” fields to other disciplines in a strategic way.
The two Universities will jointly award the Ph.D. title in “Food, Health and Longevity”, which will bear the logos of both partners and will be jointly signed by their respective Deans.

Two universities striving for excellence

This shared educational path complies with principles of equality and fairness from an economic,
decision-making, educational and procedural point of view. Each University will in fact guarantee 3
scholarships, and the faculty members involved in the program will be chosen among the top-notch
scientists at UPO and UNITO.
Professor Antonia Follenzi, coordinator, has recently stated that: “the collaboration with the University of Turin is the first step of a process of progressive extension of the partnership network, which will allows us to consolidate our role in research and, in the near future, will lead us toward the internationalization of the Ph.D. program.”
Professor Simone Luca Cocolin, Full Professor of Agricultural Microbiology at the University of
Turin and member of the Faculty of Medicine, has also declared that: “This Ph.D. program represents a unique opportunity to put together the excellence of the two Piedmont universities on current issues of great social interest, through an interdisciplinary and blended approach.”


In order to be enrolled in the Ph.D., you must participate in an open competitive exam.
The call for applications for the academic year 2020-2021, XXXVI cycle is now open. The deadline for the submission of the proposals is July 31st, 2020 at 12:00 am.

For more information visit the University website  or contact the  Ph.D. office

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