Lipoic acid, vitamin D3 and their use in preventing brain aging


Lipoic acid and vitamin D3 act alone to improve brain aging, since they counteract the main negative effects reported by aging theory. These molecules are able to act like antioxidants, preventing the mitochondrial imbalance and oxidative conditions. In addition, they are able to modulate the inflammation under oxidative conditions preventing neuronal cell loss and activating the survival mechanisms.


This chapter explores the effects of lipoic acid and vitamin D3 alone to improve brain aging and the effects of their combination, since when they are added together, these effects were amplified.


For the first time Lipoic acid and vitamin D3 may be used to modulate the markers of brain aging and to restore the physiological condition of astrocytes, which is the first cell loss during aging. Since brain aging is a worldwide condition and the use of food supplement is increased, lipoic acid and vitamin D3 are also prepared in a full combination with other molecules in order to obtain a new food supplement able to act in a complete manner on the brain. This combination will be tested also in humans.


Uberti F, Ruga S, Morsanuto V, Farghali M, Molinari C, Chapter 53 - Lipoic acid and vitamin D3 and their use in preventing brain aging, Editor(s): CR Martin, VR Preedy, R Rajendram, Factors Affecting Neurological Aging, Academic Press, 2021, Pages 617-626, ISBN 9780128179901

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