Scadenza: 7 March 2022


Through this one-year award, AIRC aims to support StartUp and MFAG grantees at a critical juncture in their career, when a bridge funding may help the most meritorious young investigators finalize their studies and publications without driving away from their line of research in the last year of their grant, thus being better prepared for applications in response to funding schemes for established researchers (e.g., AIRC Investigator Grants).
The grant, which is up to € 100.000 for a one-year period, will start on 2nd January 2023 and will be awarded once in a lifetime.

Ente finanziatore:


Budget complessivo:

100.000 €

Duration of the project: 1 year

Who can participate:

To be eligible, applicants must satisfy the following eligibility criteria:
• Be holders of MFAG or Start-Up Grants in their final year of funding
• Have at least 3 primary research papers as first/co-first, last/co-last or corresponding/cocorresponding author

Partnership: Not Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:


Through this one-year award, AIRC aims to support StartUp and MFAG grantees at a critical juncture in their career, when a bridge funding may help the most meritorious young investigators finalize their studies and publications without driving away from their line of research in the last year of their grant, thus being better prepared for applications in response to funding schemes for established researchers (e.g., AIRC Investigator Grants). The grant, which is up to € 100.000 for a one-year period, will start on 2nd January 2023 and will be awarded once in a lifetime.

Who can participate:
To be eligible, applicants must satisfy the following eligibility criteria: • Be holders of MFAG or Start-Up Grants in their final year of funding • Have at least 3 primary research papers as first/co-first, last/co-last or corresponding/cocorresponding author


Consortium: Not required

Status: Open

Total budget:
100.000 €

Funding rate:

Bridge Grant PIs must be involved in the project for at least 50% of their time.

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