Scadenza: 4 March 2022


The objective of the AIRC Start-Up program is to foster the birth and growth of new research units under the leadership of talented young scientists, with a strong commitment to cancer research, seeking the opportunity of becoming independent investigators in Italy after a successful research experience abroad. With this grant the PI is expected to mature into an independent group leader, competitive for funding schemes for established investigators. The scientific activity must be carried out in a research organization located in Italy, organized under public or private law, whose primary goal is to independently conduct biomedical research (university, hospital or other research center).

Ente finanziatore:


Budget complessivo:

200.000 per year

Duration of the project: 5 years

Who can participate:

be 40 years old or younger
Hold a PhD or a Specialty degree.
Have a significant experience in a competitive laboratory outside of Italy
Have a strong track record, including at least 2 primary research papers as first/co-first,
last/co-last or corresponding/co-corresponding author

Partnership: Not Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:


The objective of the AIRC Start-Up program is to foster the birth and growth of new research units under the leadership of talented young scientists, with a strong commitment to cancer research, seeking the opportunity of becoming independent investigators in Italy after a successful research experience abroad. With this grant the PI is expected to mature into an independent group leader, competitive for funding schemes for established investigators. The scientific activity must be carried out in a research organization located in Italy, organized under public or private law, whose primary goal is to independently conduct biomedical research (university, hospital or other research center).

Who can participate:
be 40 years old or younger Hold a PhD or a Specialty degree. Have a significant experience in a competitive laboratory outside of Italy Have a strong track record, including at least 2 primary research papers as first/co-first, last/co-last or corresponding/co-corresponding author


Consortium: Not required

Status: Open

Total budget:
200.000 per year

Funding rate:

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