Scadenza: 7 March 2022


All proposed research plans must have a clear objective that is consistent with the AIRC mission and will likely lead to advances in cancer biology, prevention, monitoring, diagnosis, or treatment of tumors in the near term. Projects must have a duration of 5 years, with a budget consistent with this time-frame: proposals with research plans shorter than 5 years will be rejected.

Ente finanziatore:


Budget complessivo:

no limit

Duration of the project: 5 years

Who can participate:

applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:
Applicants must have at least one last- or co-last-author primary research paper, in press or published in the last 5 years
Applicants must have a total active Impact Factor (IF) of at least 30 in the last 5 years by the submission deadline

Partnership: Not Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:


All proposed research plans must have a clear objective that is consistent with the AIRC mission and will likely lead to advances in cancer biology, prevention, monitoring, diagnosis, or treatment of tumors in the near term. Projects must have a duration of 5 years, with a budget consistent with this time-frame: proposals with research plans shorter than 5 years will be rejected.

Who can participate:
applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria: Applicants must have at least one last- or co-last-author primary research paper, in press or published in the last 5 years Applicants must have a total active Impact Factor (IF) of at least 30 in the last 5 years by the submission deadline


Consortium: Not required

Status: Open

Total budget:
no limit

Funding rate:

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