Scadenza: 20 October 2022


COST provides networking opportunities for researchers and innovators in order to strengthen Europe’s capacity to address scientific, technological and societal challenges. In order to achieve its mission and goal, COST has identified three strategic priorities: promoting and spreading excellence, fostering interdisciplinary research for breakthrough science and empowering and retaining young researchers and innovators:
COST brings together European researchers and innovators from different COST countries to jointly develop their own ideas and new initiatives across all science and technology fields through panEuropean cooperation.
COST encourages and fosters trans-, multi- and interdisciplinary approaches by integrating researchers and innovators from different fields and horizons such as universities, research centres, companies, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as other relevant actors.

Ente finanziatore:

European Commission

Duration of the project: 4 years

Who can participate:

Researchers, Innovators, Public Institution

Partnership: Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:

In the range of € 129.000/year

COST provides networking opportunities for researchers and innovators in order to strengthen Europe’s capacity to address scientific, technological and societal challenges. In order to achieve its mission and goal, COST has identified three strategic priorities: promoting and spreading excellence, fostering interdisciplinary research for breakthrough science and empowering and retaining young researchers and innovators: COST brings together European researchers and innovators from different COST countries to jointly develop their own ideas and new initiatives across all science and technology fields through panEuropean cooperation. COST encourages and fosters trans-, multi- and interdisciplinary approaches by integrating researchers and innovators from different fields and horizons such as universities, research centres, companies, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as other relevant actors.

Who can participate:
Researchers, Innovators, Public Institution


Consortium: Required

Status: Open

Total budget:

Funding rate:
In the range of € 129.000/year

Proposals for a COST Action must represent a network composed of proposers from at least seven (7) COST Members amongst which a minimum number shall be from COST Inclusiveness Target Countries

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