Scadenza: 4 Febbraio 2020


Research Projects


ERC - Consolidator Grant H2020

Budget complessivo:

657 MLN

Durata del progetto: 5 years

Chi può partecipare:

Researchers of any nationality with 7-12 years of experience since completion of Ph.D., a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal.

Host Institution: public or private research organization It could be the HI where the applicant already works, or any other HI located in one of the EU Member States or Associated Countries

Partenariato: Non obbligatorio



Quota finanziabile:

Consolidator Grants may be awarded up to a maximum of EUR 2 000 000 for a period of 5 years.
100% of the total eligible direct costs of the research plus a contribution of 25% of the total eligible costs towards indirect costs.

Research Projects

Who can participate:
Researchers of any nationality with 7-12 years of experience since completion of Ph.D., a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal. Host Institution: public or private research organization It could be the HI where the applicant already works, or any other HI located in one of the EU Member States or Associated Countries

ERC - Consolidator Grant H2020

Consortium: Not required

Status: Aperto

Total budget:
657 MLN

Funding rate:
Consolidator Grants may be awarded up to a maximum of EUR 2 000 000 for a period of 5 years. 100% of the total eligible direct costs of the research plus a contribution of 25% of the total eligible costs towards indirect costs.

Lo schema di finanziamento ERC Consolidator è stato progettato per supportare i ricercatori nella fase in cui stanno consolidando il proprio team o progetto di ricerca indipendente

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